
The department offers the following minors:
Cybersecurity Minor
A minor in Cybersecurity may be earned by a student in any University bachelor’s degree program. This minor provides students with an opportunity to help infuse cybersecurity fundamentals into other degree programs. To qualify for a Minor in Cybersecurity, students must complete a minimum of 18 credits as described below with a minimum grade of C- in each course.
Program Requirements
Core Courses (12 credits)
- CISC 361 – Operating Systems (3cr.)
- CPEG 465 – Introduction to Cybersecurity (3cr.)
or - CPEG 665 – Introduction to Cybersecurity
- CPEG 494 – System Hardening and Protection (3cr.)
or - CPEG 694 – System Hardening and Protection
- CISC 450 – Computer Networks I (3cr.)
Electives (6 credits)
Two of the following courses:
- CPEG 495 – Digital Forensics (3cr.) (a)
or - CPEG 695 – Digital Forensics
- CPEG 496 – Topics in Cybersecurity (3cr.) (a)
or - CPEG 696 – Topics in Cybersecurity
- CPEG 470 – Web Applications Security (3cr.)
- CPEG 471 – Pen Test and Reverse Engineering (3cr.)
- CPEG 472 – Applied Cryptography (3cr.)
- CPEG 473 – Cloud Computing and Security (3cr.)
- CPEG 475 – IoT and Embedded Systems Security Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 476 – Secure Software Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 497 – Advanced Cybersecurity Credit(s): 3
- MATH 549 – Coding Theory and Cryptography
- CRJU 457 – Criminal Evidence Credit(s): 3
(a) The listed 400 and 600-level courses are open to any student who has completed the necessary prerequisites (or obtained permission of instructor). Other courses can be included upon approval by the minor administration committee.
Program Inquiries
Further inquiries about the Cybersecurity Minor can be made to Professor Nektarios Tsoutsos tsoutsos@udel.edu.
Sustainable Energy Technology Minor
A minor in Sustainable Energy Technology may be earned by a student in any University bachelor’s degree program through successful completion of a minimum of 15 credits as described below. Before beginning these courses, the student must meet the required course prerequisites. A minimum grade of C- is required in all courses completed for the minor.
Program Requirements
Core Courses (9 Credits)
Three of the following:
- CIEG 351 – Transportation Engineering Credit(s): 3
- CIEG 402 – Introduction to Sustainability Principles in Civil Engineering Credit(s): 3
- CIEG 403 – Sustainability Applications in Infrastructure Credit(s): 3
- CIEG 465 – Global Sustainable Engineering Credit(s): 3 (Three-credit version only)
- CHEG 612 – Applied Process Heat Transfer
- CHEG 613 – Energy and the Environment
- CHEG 614 – Special Topics in Energy
- CHEG 616 – Chemistry and Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces
- CHEG 624 – Bio-Based Materials
- CHEG 625 – Green Engineering
- CHEG 632 – Electrochemical Energy Engineering
- ELEG 415 – Electric Power Systems Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 615 – Electric Power and Renewable Energy Systems
- ELEG 417 – The Smart Grid Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 617 – The Smart Grid
- ELEG 428 – Solar Electric Technology & Applications Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 628 – Solar Energy Technology and Applications
- ELEG 437 – Energy Systems Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 637 – Energy Systems
- ELEG 456 – Electric Power II Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 656 – Electric Power II
- ELEG 457 – Design & Operation of Renewable Energy Microgrid Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 657 – Design & Operations of Renewable Energy Microgrid
- ELEG 493 – Electric Motors and Generators Credit(s): 3
- or
- ELEG 693 – Electric Motors and Generators
- MAST 484 – Electric Vehicles and the Grid Credit(s): 3
- MEEG 425 – Automotive Powertrain Theory Credit(s): 3
- MEEG 435 – Wind Power Engineering Credit(s): 3
- MEEG 442 – Introduction to Fuel Cells Credit(s): 3
- Three-credit Undergraduate Research in Energy
Energy Policy Course (3 credits)
One of the following:
- ENEP 250 – Introduction to Energy Policy (3cr.)
- ENEP 425 – Energy Policy and Administration (3cr.)
or - ENEP 625 – Energy Policy and Administration
- ENEP 485 – Senior Seminar in Energy and Environmental Policy (3cr.)
Electives (3 credits)
One of the following
- APEC 343 – Environmental Economics Credit(s): 3
- CIEG 650 – Urban Transportation Systems
- ECON 320 – Energy Economics Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 402 – Electricity Policy and Planning Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 426 – Climate Change Policy Credit(s): 3
- ENEP 427 – Sustainable Energy: Economics and Policy Analysis Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 235 – Conservation of Natural Resources Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 236 – Humans and Environmental Sustainability Credit(s): 3
- GEOG 422 – Resources, Development and the Environment Credit(s): 3
or - GEOG 622 – Resources, Development and the Environment
- MAST 628 – Offshore Wind Power: Science, Engineering, and Policy
- MAST 662 – Conservation and Renewable Energy Policy
- MAST 675 – Economics of Natural Resources
- MAST 676 – Environmental Economics (prereq: ECON 300)
- PHYS 143 – Energy Technology and Society Credit(s): 3
- POSC 220 – Introduction to Public Policy Credit(s): 3
- POSC 350 – Politics and the Environment Credit(s): 3
- Other courses may be included upon approval of the minor administration committee.
Program Inquiries
Further inquiries about the Sustainable Energy Technology Minor can be made to Professor Keith Goossen at (302) 831-0590 or goossen@udel.edu.
Bioelectrical Engineering Minor
A minor in Bioelectrical Engineering may be earned by a student in any University bachelor’s degree program, except for students majoring in Biomedical Engineering (BMEG) because the major and minor are too similar. This minor provides students with an opportunity to integrate physiology and biological sciences with engineering aspects in signal measurement and processing. To qualify for a Minor in Bioelectrical Engineering, students must complete a minimum of 21 credits as described below with a minimum grade of C- in each course.
Program Requirements
Core Courses (12 Credits)
- BISC 207 – Introductory Biology I (4cr.) (a) (seats reserved during spring semester only)
- MATH 242 – Analytic Geometry and Calculus B (4cr.)
- BMEG 330 – Biomedical Instrumentation (4cr.)
or - ELEG 205 – Analog Circuits I (4cr.)
Electives (9 credits)
Three of the following
- BMEG 350 – Clinical Immersion for Engineers (3cr.)
- BMEG 471 – Mathematical Physiology (3cr.)
- BMEG 695/ELEG 697: Computational Systems Biology
- BINF 695: Computational Systems Biology
- Any BMEG 400 or 600 level course
Program Inquiries
Further inquiries about the Bioelectrical Engineering Minor can be made to Professor Abhi Singh at 831-8447 or absingh@udel.edu.
Computer Engineering Minor
A minor in Computer Engineering (CE) may be earned by a student in any bachelor’s degree program at the University of Delaware, except students majoring in Electrical Engineering (ELEG) or Computer Engineering (CPEG). This minor provides students with an opportunity to infuse computer engineering fundamentals, such as computer hardware design, embedded systems, high-performance computing, and computer networks, into other degree programs. For students in other majors, such as Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or Computer Science, a minor in CE will help expand their knowledge and capabilities and make them more desirable employees in the job market. Accomplishment of a minor in Computer Engineering has many advantages but it must be understood that meeting the requirements for a minor in Computer Engineering without fulfilling the remaining requirements for an accredited engineering degree does not provide the breadth and depth of knowledge required of a computer engineer.
Program Requirements
Core Courses (10 Credits)
- CPEG 202 – Introduction to Digital Systems Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 222 – Microprocessor Systems Credit(s): 4
- CPEG 323 – Introduction to Computer Systems Engineering Credit(s): 3
Electives (6 credits)
Two of the following for 6 credits.
- CPEG 324 – Computer Systems Design I Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 419 – Computer Networks I Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 421 – Compiler Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 422 – Embedded Systems Hardware/Software Co-Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 423 – PCB & FPGA Hardware Prototyping Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 424 – Analog Integrated Circuit Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 455 – High-Performance Computing with Commodity Hardware Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 457 – Search and Data Mining Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 460 – Introduction to VLSI Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 205 – Analog Circuits I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 305 – Signals and Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 309 – Electronic Circuit Analysis I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 340 – Solid State Electronics Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 417 – The Smart Grid Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 418 – Digital Control Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 450 – Semiconductor Device Design and Fabrication Credit(s): 4
Program Inquiries
Further inquiries about the Computer Engineering Minor can be made to Professor Nektarios Tsoutsos tsoutsos@udel.edu.
Electrical Engineering Minor
A minor in Electrical Engineering (EE) may be earned by a student in any bachelor’s degree program at the University of Delaware, except students majoring in Electrical Engineering (ELEG) or Computer Engineering (CPEG). This minor provides students with an opportunity to infuse electrical engineering fundamentals, such as electronics, power, signals, and computing into other degree programs. For students in other majors, such as Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or Computer Science, a minor in EE will help expand their knowledge and capabilities and make them more desirable employees in the job market. A background in electrical engineering prepares you with the technical toolkit and systems design mindset to overcome the most pressing challenges facing society, such as advancing green energy through advanced solar cells and the smart grid, advancing transportation through autonomous and electric vehicle technologies, securing cyberspace, and improving health and wellness through new biosensors and data analytics.
Program Requirements
Core Courses (6 Credits)
6 credits
- ELEG 205 – Analog Circuits I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 305 – Signals and Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 309 – Electronic Circuit Analysis I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 310 – Random Signals and Noise Credit(s): 3
Electives (9 credits)
9 credits
- CPEG 419 – Computer Networks I Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 422 – Embedded Systems Hardware/Software Co-Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 423 – PCB & FPGA Hardware Prototyping Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 424 – Analog Integrated Circuit Design Credit(s): 3
- CPEG 460 – Introduction to VLSI Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 205 – Analog Circuits I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 305 – Signals and Systems Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 306 – Digital Signal Processing Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 309 – Electronic Circuit Analysis I Credit(s): 4
- ELEG 310 – Random Signals and Noise Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 313 – Electromagnetic Field Theory Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 340 – Solid State Electronics Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 403 – Communication Systems Engineering Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 404 – Digital Imaging and Photography Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 413 – Field Theory II Credit(s): 3
- ELEG 418 – Digital Control Systems Credit(s): 3
Program Inquiries
Further inquiries about the Electrical Engineering Minor can be made to Professor Richard Martin rdmartin@udel.edu.