Key Request Form

Key Request Form
(Staff should enter "n/a" if only requesting for an office/desk/file cabinet key)
(Specify your current faculty member and department, if not in Electrical & Computer Engineering)
Your affiliation *
Please submit a separate request if multiple and/or different faculty approval is needed.
Room/Lab # (check floor plans for accuracy). Multiple rooms can be listed *IF* same owner is the approver.
Room Type *
(Please provide the reason for access to this office or lab – e.g. as a new research group member, access to specific instruments, etc.)
You will be notified through e-mail when your key(s) is/are ready and how you can pick them up. In the meantime, please be patient.

If you have any questions, need to make a change/correction to your key request, or would like to cancel your key request, please email