11:18 a.m., Sept. 4, 2015–For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent exhibitions, presentations and scholarships include the following:
Troy Richards, associate professor of art and chair of the Department of Art and Design, is being featured in the “Interior Monologues” exhibition presented Sept. 4-25 by the Delaware Division of the Arts Mezzanine Gallery, located in the Carvel State Office Building in Wilmington. “Interior Monologues”presents a selection of abstract oil paintings that stress exactitude in response to the distractions of contemporary life. The works present richly developed surfaces built up from the repeated action of carefully measured and applied brushstrokes. A video about the artist is available.
Margaret Stetz, Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women’s Studies and professor of humanities, gave three invited lectures about Oscar Wilde in summer 2015. On May 30, her topic was “Rewriting Oscar Wilde for Young Audiences,” for a one-day event on “Oscar Wilde and the Victorian Culture of Childhood,” held on the UCLA campus and sponsored by the William Andrews Clark Library, Los Angeles. On June 12, she and Mark Samuels Lasner, senior research fellow at the University of Delaware Library, both gave lectures about their spring 2015 Wilde exhibition at the Rosenbach (and their discovery of unpublished Wilde manuscripts), for a Victorian seminar series sponsored by Birkbeck College, University of London. On June 15, she gave a lecture to faculty and graduate students at Trinity College, Oxford, United Kingdom, about Oscar Wilde’s little-known connections to the city of Philadelphia.
Michael Ivey, a junior majoring in electrical engineering at the University of Delaware, has received a $2,500 Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans Scholarship from the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Educational Foundation. Ivey, who repaired Lockheed C130 aircraft during his stint in Afghanistan, works part-time at Delta Engineering in New Castle, Delaware. He plans a career in aviation or the biomedical field after graduation. Joe Portale, chief technologist for Mobility Solutions at Lockheed Martin, presented Ivey with the award, including a check and a certificate on Sept. 1 in the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory.
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