Faculty Profile
Xiang-Gen Xia
Charles Black Evans Professor
Education (h3)
PhD | xxxxxx
MS | xxxxxx
BS | xxxxxx
About Xiang-Gen Xia
Prof. Xia’s current research interests include MIMO and OFDM communications systems, and radar imaging of moving targets. For MIMO and OFDM systems, his research mainly focuses on space-time, space-frequency, space-time-frequency code and modulation designs and their efficient decoding/demodulation. He is also interested in space-time and space-frequency code designs for cooperative communications to achieve full cooperative diversity in asynchronous scenario. For radar imaging, Prof. Xia’s research is mainly focused on SAR and ISAR imaging of moving and maneuvering targets by using time-frequency analysis, and robust and generalized Chinese remainder theorem, and on OFDM SAR and ISAR imaging.
Chang Jiang Chair Professorship (visiting), China
Fellow of IEEE
The Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR YIP) Award
The National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (NSF CAREER) Award

Office: Evans 311
Phone: 302-831-8038
Fax: 302-831-4316